Join us for a Global School in March 2018 in El Salvador: The Central American Refugee Crisis: A faithful response

Join Fr Tommy, members of St Margaret’s and other churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana for a Global School in El Salvador

The Central American Refugee Crisis: A faithful response

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Dates: March 22-29, 2019
Cost: $995

Registration deadline: December 22, 2018

In 2016 alone, an estimated 244,200 people were internally displaced in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. As people of faith, we are called to advocate for justice for all, especially the most vulnerable. This seminar provides an opportunity to deepen our understanding of human rights, apply this understanding to the Central American refugee crisis, and develop concrete tools to respond.

We will be in El Salvador for the feast of Saint Oscar Romero who will be Canonized in the Roman Catholic Church this October. Please click on this link to find out more information.

What to expect:

Deepen our understanding of a human rights framework to understand the rights of migrants and refugees
Study international policy on forced migration in Central America and the world
Analyze the root causes of forced migration and internal displacement in Central America
Discuss responses to this crisis and potential approaches to prevention
Develop strategies to respond to the refugee crisis and support the rights of migrant populations

What the tuition includes: Lodging, transportation during the seminar, three meals a day, coordination and logistics, interpretation and trip guide, workshop leaders and speakers, and activities in communities. The tuition also includes a contribution to the Salvadoran participant scholarship fund.

Your tuition does NOT include: Additional food, beverages, souvenirs, alcohol, airfare, $10 tourist visa, or any activities outside of our planned itinerary.

For more information please ask Fr Tommy