Worship at St Margaret’s on November 22: Christ the King
The Last Sunday after Pentecost
Virtual Service
Sunday, November 22 @ 10 AM
Join Zoom Meeting HERE
10 AM Bulletin can be found HERE
Bulletin insert can be found HERE
Join Zoom Meeting HERE
We will also continue online Sunday School at 9 AM and Virtual Meeting at 11:30 AM
Holy Eucharist Instructions for this Sunday
· Please come forward to the altar rail as the Ushers direct you and take an individual Communion cup from the tray
· Parents, please assist your children in taking a Communion cup
· If you are with someone who needs assistance walking, please take a cup for them also
· Please refrain from kneeling and return to your chair directly after taking a Communion cup
· Please consume the Eucharist in your pew at the direction of the priest after everyone comes forward to receive the bread and then place the Communion cup in the receptacle in the container on the way out of church.
· Use hand sanitizer again once you have consumed the Sacrament
· If you happen to drop the Communion cup before you return to your chair, please pick it up, take another from the tray, and dispose of the one dropped in the receptacle on the way out.
As always, we encourage you to continue practicing preventative methods to stop the potential spread of COVID-19 in the Baton Rouge community and at St. Margaret’s by wearing a face mask, keeping social distancing, and washing your hands regularly.
• The evening before the worship service, each member of the household planning to attend in-person worship should check their temperature (should be less than 100° F) and determine whether anyone has a dry cough or has lost their sense of smell.
• If anyone has any of these symptoms, has been exposed to someone with coronavirus or has tested positive for coronavirus, the household members should remain at home and worship online.
• Persons who are at higher risk for coronavirus (children, persons age 65 or older, those who are asthmatic, diabetic or have a compromised immune system) should assess the degree of risk that is acceptable for them and their household.
• Please wash your hands before you leave home.
• Please bring a clean face mask for each member of the household except for children less than 2 years old. Wear the face mask throughout the service and when you are near others.
• Please bring hand sanitizer and apply it as you approach the church.
• Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from other persons outside of your household at all times.
• Please do not shake hands or otherwise touch people who are not members of your household, including during the Peace.
• There will be no congregational singing until health experts advise otherwise.
• Please go straight to the spot the usher directs you to for your seat at the beginning of the service. Try and arrive at least 10 minutes early.
Questions You Might Have
When we regather in-person, will worship be different?
Yes- There will be NO congregational singing. That is not to say we will not have music, but only that the number of singers will be limited for the 10 AM service. There will be no touching during the passing of the peace through handshakes and hugs. The offertory plate will be available, but not passed.
Do I really have to wear a mask?
Yes- This comes recommended by CDC and state officials. It is also required by the bishop for restarting in-person gatherings. Recent studies from the CDC say that face masks reduce the risk of transmission by over 70%. We wear the mask for the benefit of others, especially considering the large percentage of people that can be asymptomatic and spread the virus. We strongly encourage BYOM (Bring Your Own Mask) for worship. A limited number of masks will be available for worshipers who forget theirs at home.
Are those over 65 years of age prohibited from in-person worship?
Although those individuals over 65 are not prohibited to attend, they are strongly encouraged to consult their physician before engaging group gatherings such as in-person worship.
What precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of everyone?
There will be limited numbers as determined by the capacity of a space and restrictions on a maximum percentage of that capacity. Therefore, an RSVP system using OpenChurch will ensure we follow those numbers. The seating during the service indoors will use social distancing between households. People will also be asked to space out upon entering the church as greeters will be present to track those in attendance as well as ensure each person uses hand sanitizer and is wearing a face mask. Each attendee will agree to inform the church if they are believed to have COVID-19 so that the others in attendance can be immediately notified.
What about coffee hour?
There will not be a traditional coffee hour after the services with food and drink. However, members are welcome to stay after the service to talk and catch-up while maintaining social distance and other precautions outside. Our primary goal, at this time, is to return to in-person worship in a safe manner. We will have a virtual coffee hour at 11:30 AM online via Zoom.
Will online worship remain available after returning to in-person worship?
Yes- We will continue to offer some version of online worship once we return to in-person worship on Sunday’s at 10 AM. This will be important for those not ready or unable to return when we restart in-person worship. The virtual services have also helped us reconnect with parishioners who have not been able to attend for some time due to limited mobility or illness.
What if someone who attends a service tests positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of attending?
We will “take roll” of all those who are in attendance at each service so that those who may have been in contact can be notified.
What should I do if I sign up to come, but then feel sick?
Please stay home if you feel ill. If you believe it is COVID-19 related, then please seek testing.
What if I am not ready to return to in-person worship?
That is perfectly okay. Each of us will make decisions on when is best to return. Some will return as soon as possible while others will wait. We would never ask anyone to come to a service if they are not ready. Know that we will continue to do everything we can to keep all members connected moving forward.
Who do I contact if I have additional questions or concerns?
Please contact the Very Rev. Tommy Dillon ([email protected] or 225-933-3288).
We thank all of you who completed the online survey about re-opening St Margaret’s.
To view the results please click HERE
Thank you to our Re-Opening Task Force:
St Margaret’s Re-Opening Task Force: Julie Parrish – Senior Warden Ronny Daley – Junior Warden Tammy Gremillion – Health Care Robert Lucky – Lawyer Molly Blackwell – Logistics Les Mutt – Verger/Liturgy Maria Curry – Music Cindy Obier – Fire Marshall’s Office |