Signs of Life: 2020 Lenten Program

Wednesday’s in Lent at St Margaret’s

Currently ONLINE Gathering Facebook Page

5:30 PM Healing Prayers online

6:30 PM “Signs of Life: Why Church Matters” Class online via Zoom Platform

Check out our Facebook Page to get the details for how to sign up.

Our 2020 Lenten Program, Signs of Life: Why Church Matters, will take place on Wednesday nights during Lent after the 5:30 PM service from 6:30 until 7:30 PM. A simple soup dinner will be provided each week. These will begin on Wednesday, March 4, and will continue on March 11, 18, 25, and April 1. This series comes right from the heart of the lives of monks at SSJE (Society of St John the Evangelist), as it takes up the signs and symbols of their shared Christian worship. They are excited to share with us an offering like none they have ever made before, with longer explorations of each weekly topic, featuring Brothers in conversation and illustrated by rich footage of life at the Monastery. Signs of Life: Why Church Matters is an opportunity for participants to engage with elemental aspects of liturgy and scripture: light, water, food, shelter, community. Each session will help participants connect the Sign of Life to their own spirituality, Christian worship, and a spiritual practice. The rich signs of Christian worship speak to us day by day. As we explore the layers of meaning these symbols carry, and enter more fully into their truth, we learn to pray what we live and live what we pray.


Watch the Signs of Life Videos

Changing Your Prayer Life

Seeing the Signs