St. Margaret’s is now a Bread or Stones Congregation

Jesus said “Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for bread,will give a stone?” (Mt. 7:9)The name Bread or Stones is derived from this passage where Jesus demonstrated the importance of caring for our children. The Bread or Stones Campaign is a coalition of congregations throughout the state of Louisiana who aspire to answer God’s call to improve the lives of children.While one church/congregation cannot do it alone we know that through a concerted effort to work with one another we can insure that all of God’s children grow up to be the healthy, fulfilled generous and happy women and men that the Lord sees in them.

Bread or Stones Coalition are covenant congregations committed to improving child well-being through four categories: Service, Education, Citizenship and Community.

On July 30 St Margaret’s became a Bread or Stones Congregation when the Vestry signed an agreement to the following statement:

St Margaret’s Episcopal Church, Baton Rouge, is a Bread or Stones Covenant Member. We commit to answering God’s call to care for His children through our ministries and prayer. In addition to our ministries we will designate two Sundays a year (one in October and another in May) where we will offer prayer intentions, sermons, community service or a special offering for the well being of children of Louisiana.

For more information about the Louisiana Interchurch Conference and the Bread or Stones Campaign visit