The Rev. Joseph M Clavijo III to preach 10 AM mass and lead forum afterwards July 22

Join the Year Round Stewardship Team for Sundae Sunday on July 22 following the 10 AM service. We will enjoy ice cream sundaes and hear a presentation from Deacon Joey Clavijo.

Weekly EDOLA Newsletter Excerpt:
Bishop Thompson has formed an environmental commission in an effort to bring awareness of the increasing challenges facing our natural environment and therefore the people of Southeast Louisiana. The Environmental Commission will facilitate discussions within our churches and schools to draw upon individual gifts to bring about concrete actions to restore and sustain the environment, beginning with our own church and school buildings, grounds and campuses, and our own family homes.

The Environmental Commission is asking you to connect with us by simply responding to a survey. It can be found online here. This will enable us to understand your areas of interest in stewardship of the environment. Once connected, we will begin forwarding information with opportunities to participate in various environmental outreach projects as well as information on how to make your home and church “go green”.

Stewardship and care of creation is an eco-justice ministry of The Episcopal Church which seeks to heal, defend and work toward justice for all God’s creation. Please join us in this important work that God has given us.

The Rev. Joseph M. Clavijo III was recently ordained parochial deacon, serving at St Georges Episcopal Church in New Orleans, La. Joey also serves as chair for Bishop Morris Thompson’s Environmental Commission.

Deacon Joey was born on June 16, 1950, in New Orleans, La. He was formed Roman Catholic and attended St. Anthony of Padua parochial school and St. Aloysius High School in New Orleans.

Joey spent most of his adult life in the retail industry, serving in various sales, marketing, and operations positions for several regional and national chains specializing in the furniture, appliance and electronics industry.

Joey has been a member of St Georges Episcopal Church since 2009, serving in the choir, stewardship chair, and on the Dragon Cafe feeding ministry. He was received and reformed into the Episcopal Church in 2011.

Deacon Joey’s call to the Diaconate was an internal call, having heard the call to “finish strong” during prayer and reflection time. He was in the discernment process for six years and recently completed seminary in May. Deacons John Boyd and Joey Clavijo are the first class of Louisiana Deacons who graduated from The Iona Collaborative, a joint formation program with The Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Tx. and the AC Marble School of Theological Formation, in Canton, Ms.