Adult Faith Formation
This lectionary-based class led by Jay Weber and others, focuses on one of the daily readings each Sunday. We will study the scripture and make connections between education and worship, as well as our daily lives. The children and youth will also be using age level formats of this same curriculum during the Liturgy of the Word, which will enable great conversations between families about what they each gleaned from scripture. This class is open to all and is designed to be a class you can pop in when your schedule permits.
Please feel free to join us each Sunday morning at 9 AM in the Church Parish Hall between the morning services. For more information please contact Jay Weber at [email protected]
Becoming Beloved Community: Understanding Systemic Racism Resources
Session One: March 6 In the first session, Tom and Ivy welcome students to the class, offer an overview of what the class will cover, and offer context for the …
Spiritual Gifts
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the …