Maggie’s Ladies

All women who are members of St. Margaret’s are automatically members of the Maggie’s Ladies (formerly known as ECW, or Episcopal Church Women). Our vision for all women of the Episcopal Church is that we become a vibrant blend of all ages, coming together to enjoy each other’s company in good fellowship and as a peacemaking, healing part of the church. We aspire to be God’s Spark – shining and sharing the love of Christ. Maggie’s Ladies are involved in a variety of missions and ministries as well as organizations that serve the local community.

Maggie’s Sunday Lunch Bunch (Episcopal Church Women) the 3rd Sunday of each month! Join us after church at11:45a for lively conversation and yummy food! To be waited on, no dishes and great company!

July 16 California Pizza Kitchen Perkins Rowe
Aug 20 Pedro’s by Market Place
Sept17 Pluckers by LA Mall
Oct 15 Casa Maria on Blue Bonnet
Nov 19 Church Pot Luck
Dec 17 “Christmas Party” La Madeline’s Perkins Rowe
Jan 21 TJ Ribs Seigens Rd
Feb 18 TBD with new 2024 dates

RSVP Kathy Meyer by the Saturday before so we know how big a table is needed!

For more details email Kathy Meyer at [email protected].