What we believe?
Episcopalians are Christians who believe in the ancient creeds of the Church and who believe that God is still active and working in the world.
We believe that God took on our human nature in Jesus Christ, whose life serves as an example to us and whose death and resurrection opened the way of salvation to all creation.
We believe that God loves you. No exceptions. Black, white, brown, young, old, immigrant, refugee, rich, poor, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, atheist, single, married, divorced, gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, male, female, non-binary. God loves you. No exceptions.
We believe that we are the hands and feet of Christ in the world and that we must work for justice for the poor, liberation for the oppressed, and peace for all people.
We believe that by loving God and each other we will change the world.
We believe that gathering together as the Body of Christ – to pray together, worship God together, read scripture together, share the Sacrament together – is one of the key ways God transforms us to be more like Christ.
We believe that faithful, reasonable Christians may not always agree with each other and we strive to respect those we may disagree with. The command of Jesus to love one another is greater than the things that divide us.
Click here to learn more about what Episcopalians believe.