Bishop Thompson’s Annual Visit to St. Margaret’s on August 13

Bishop Morris Thompson will be at St. Margaret’s for his annual visit and he will offer the sacrament of confirmation and reception into the church to members of both St Margaret’s and St Patrick’s in Zachary during the 10 am Mass that day.

He will also be teaching the Adult Forum at 9 AM in the parish library before the Mass.

The Bishop’s visit summer pot luck sign up sheet for food contributions is in the parish hall. Please bring your dish directly to parish hall on that morning if you won’t be warming it up in the kitchen. Food serving tables will be set up and labeled.

Members of the congregation will be singing and playing musical instruments for us during lunch. So please make plans to join us on this fun day as we eat, celebrate with our newest Episcopalians, and sing with the house band. Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Any questions contact Connie Lambert [email protected].