Ministry Matters: Training for Liturgical Ministers at St. Margaret’s July 8

Worship is central to the life of the church. Liturgy, which shapes our worship, is, by definition, “the work of the people.” Participants in the liturgical ministries assist the clergy in our worship services and offer hospitality and welcome. All of these ministries require specific training. The different liturgical ministries on Sunday mornings are as follows:


Lector is the title given to those who read the assigned Scriptures for the day. The Ministry of the Lector is to proclaim the Word of God by reading from both the Old and New Testament at church services throughout the year. A Lector may also lead the Prayers of the People. Lectors are not required to be licensed, and anyone with a love of Scripture and a good speaking voice can be a Lector.

Eucharistic Ministers

A Eucharistic Minister is a lay person licensed by the Bishop to administer the consecrated elements (Bread and Wine) of the Holy Eucharist. Eucharistic Ministers may be licensed to administer the consecrated Bread and Wine at any celebration of Holy Communion in the absence of a sufficient number of priests or deacons to assist the Presider.


The ministry of acolytes is a very old tradition in the Church. Acolytes have served as ministry helpers at God’s altars for over seventeen centuries. Acolytes serve at the altar and help bishops, priests and deacons. They generally assist in processions by carrying processional crosses, books and other items. They also assist with the Communion by presenting the bread, water and wine to the priest preparing the table. Acolytes also may assist by holding the Gospel Book or other books, and by assisting at weddings, baptisms and funerals.


Greeters usually are the first members of the congregation that people meet upon arrival at church. It is a very public ministry and profoundly affects the quality and spirit of each worship service. Greeters stand at the entrances before worship to greet people when they enter, identify those who are visiting and offer hospitality by answering questions, directing guests to worship, and helping people to feel at home in our community.

We invite you to discern which ministry God is calling you to participate. As living members of Christ’s body, we are all called to give our time and talents to God’s service.

If you are interested in training for of these ministries and joining the team of liturgical assistants, a workshop will take place on Saturday, July 8 from 10 am until noon. Please contact Fr Tommy at [email protected] or speak to him at church with any questions you might have if you feel called to serve.